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Therapy Back Support Belt 1018L->Cold hot Pack->义乌市茵洪体育用品有限公司
 您的位置:  义乌市茵洪体育用品有限公司 -> Cold hot Pack->Therapy Back Support Belt 1018L
产品名称: 】Therapy Back Support Belt 1018L
产品简介: 】Therapy Back Support Belt 1018L
起订数量: 1000 附加邮费】.00元  上市日期: 】2008年12月03日
产品状态: 】精 品 浏览次数】7028 售出次数】0
赠送积分】1分 剩余数量】100 件 会员商品】 是 产品折扣】100%
市场价格¥1 会员价格】1元 马上节省】.00元 成交价格】 1.00 元


Gel ice pack Cold hot Pack Cold-hot Therapy  Back Support Belt  Hot cold therapy pack

Reusable  Cold hot Pack

Cold-hot Sprending is made of special constringency materials,Adjust it according to your needs.Fixup it on injured shoulder or waist and so on.It can remain effective for two hours.It fits for sports injury and family health care and stay snug to wear.


Bruises,muscle aches,strains and sprains.Tension headaches and toothaches.Minor burns,scrapes,cuts and insect bites


For Hot Therapy:Dip the pack in Hot Tap Water (71-82oC),for 7 minutes or Boiling Water (100oC) for 5 minutes.Now wrap the pack in a light weight towel or cloth and apply to the affected area.

For Cold Therapy:Freeze the pack at-15oC for 2 hours or refrigerate at 4oC for 4 hours.Now wrap the pack in a light weight towel and apply to the effected area.

.Clean the injured area.Apply a sterile bandage if the skin is broken.Raise the injured area to help reduce swelling.

.Apply the pack to desired area.Remove pack if it becomes uncomfortable.Reapply in a few moments if comfortable.However,do not apply for longer than 20 minutes.

.After applying for 20 minutes,leave the injured area uncovered for 20 minutes before applying another oldHot Pack.


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