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slimming long pant-SB095->Neoprene SlimShaper->义乌市茵洪体育用品有限公司
 您的位置:  义乌市茵洪体育用品有限公司 -> Neoprene SlimShaper->slimming long pant-SB095
产品名称: 】slimming long pant-SB095
产品简介: 】slimming long pant-SB095
起订数量: 3000 附加邮费】.00元  上市日期: 】2008年12月03日
产品状态: 】精 品 浏览次数】5438 售出次数】0
赠送积分】1分 剩余数量】100 件 会员商品】 是 产品折扣】100%
市场价格¥1 会员价格】1元 马上节省】.00元 成交价格】 1.00 元


Slim and lift,slimming wear,slimming suit,slimming shaper,slimming long pants,neoprene slimming long pant

Soirts Sgirts

Adopt to inernationae enviromentalmatereiae Neopren,and possess goud resilience and protection,Good for protectingbuttocks musles from hurting fit for doing gymonustics and body-budding exercises to keep fit.

Please stop using it if itis not suitable for your skins.

"Everybody Wants to easily the unnecessary weight and remain in good shape.Now that is possible to achieve with the Bermuda shorts.wear it during your usual workout or during,rope skipping,jogging,brisk walking,aerobic dance etc. for a healthy and abundant perspiration.An effective product to melt away the unnecessary fat around your hips and that guarantees excellent results with a minimum affort.technical features:Double neoprene covering that's perspirable and washable.

.All-in-one trimmer for waist hips and thighs.

.Keeps groin and thigh muscles warn through natural body heat to prevent or relieve soreness.

.Light comfortable,can be worn under clothing.

.Step-in garment with tough nylon side zipper and covers the thigh makes dressing quick and easy.

.Increases perspiration while exercising,working or relaxing.

.Helps reduce the bulky water weight in waist area.

.Ideal for jogging,aerobics,jazzercise,trick skiing,boarding,surfing,wind surfing,or jet skiing


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